Wednesday, July 31, 2013

“Kenapa pandang saya macam tu?”

The thing is I never truly say how much I love this guy. I’m not sure if he knows. Well, I’m not sure I know either.
I'm not a songwriter, not even a poet. So I write. 

It started off dengan absurdity yang maksima but what’s normal in this messed up world isn’t? If normal relationship begins with “Hai, nak kenal. Sudi tak awak jadi yang sah untuk saya?”
Tolong sumbat saya dengan apam balik sampai tercekik dan mati. I had enough of that.
Everybody’s messed up, why bother to be normal? Why not fall in love instead? :3

I like the way he pretended not to care when I fall sick but silently order air suam dan Panadol.

I like the way he secretly create songs for me.

I like the way he covertly tells the whole world about me.

I like the way he always say I’m ugly but silently whisper “Awak cantik”.

I like the way he always pick a fight with me.

I like the way he call me all sort of ridiculous names. 
“Hoi compact!" |"Mok, buatkan air!" | "Nestle, jumpa nanti.” :)

I like the way he always make a point that I’m a 90’s.
“Muka awak macam Alien Workshop terbalik.”
“Alien workshop tu apa?”
“Hehh. So 90’s”
"What's your fucking problem?"
"Hehh, 90's."  -.-

I like the way we agree to disagree on almost everything.

We never put hope in the future because both of us gone through the same cliché before.
We’re the how, why, where, when, what we love.
This relationship may not be the last but screw ambiguity aye?
Tiada yang pasti. Kalau nak kepastian, pasti tak bercinta.

“Kenapa pandang saya macam tu?”
"Saya jatuh cinta dengan awak berkali-kali."

My name is you, and i speak for you.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Pemuzik : Manusia Tidak Normal

Amboi tajuk. Kemain. Haha.

I had a conversation with a 25 years old, secure, career lady baru baru ni and it kinda stroke me. The conversation goes like this.

“U ada boyfriend ke?”
“Ermm.. haha. Ada kot.”
“Kot? Dia kerja apa?”
“Ermmm.. he’s a musician.”
“Oh dulu I pernah jugak dated a musician. In fact I dated the whole band and the band broke off because of me. I bercinta dgn dia punya drummer mula-mula.. bla..bla..bla..bla..”
“Haha. Kool. So sekarang u dah ada boyfriend tak?”
“I’m engaged. Kahwin tahun depan.”
“Oh great. So dia musician jugak ke macam mana?”
“Oh tak tak. Dia lelaki normal.”

Suara hati gua: normal? Normal?? NORMAL??!

I’m fascinated with the definition of normality nowadays.

Define normal. Kerja yang tetap? Gaji 5 angka? Rumah 3 tingkat ada lif? Kereta kilat kilat boleh buat cermin? Ke macam mana?

Jadi kalau gitar atau drumstick kat tangan, amp dalam beg, kereta penuh dengan kabel, tak dikira normal? Abnormal? You tell me about it.

Dulu saya dibesarkan dengan definisi normal yang amat simple: ‘ada 2 tangan, 2 kaki, 2 mata, 2 telinga, 1 hidung, boleh jalan, boleh makan’

Kalau abnormal maknanya kurang upaya, tak boleh jalan, tak cukup tangan.

Sekarang normal seems like a big word isn’t?

Menurut google, normal didefinisikan sebagai ‘mengikut standard norma, tipikal, ordinary, common, usual.”
Jadi maknanya pemuzik tidak mengikut standard? Standard apa? Ditetapkan siapa?

Saya tahu, way of living have changed, mentality changed, perception changed, thus standard changed. Evolution cause people to change, I get that. In this materialistic era, saya faham orang nak cari the sense of security. Atau lebih mudah, yang berduit. Terjamin masa depan. *cough*

Tapi bila isu ‘normal’ dibangkitkan, saya dah tak faham. Kalau dia cukup anggota badan tapi pemuzik, maknanya abnormal?

Frank Sinatra is abnormal, Morissey is abnormal, Kurt Kobain is abnormal, Bob Marley is abnormal, Thom Yorke is abnormal, Brandon Flower is freaking abnormal. If every musician in the whole wide world is abnormal, secara langsungnya semua music dalam dunia pun tak normal.  Kalau music, benda yang universal macam tu pun dah abnormal, then the whole freaking world is insane.

Who’s normal then? You?