Tuesday, June 7, 2011

terkedu ke terkelu? ke terkeli?

Sekumpulan pelayan seks berbangsa Melayu telah ditangkap malam tadi di sekitar Kota Bharu. Mereka dipercayai berselindung di sebalik premis yang beroperasi sebagai pusat urut. Sebanyak 23 pelanggan berbangsa Melayu telah ditangkap.. bla..bla...bla..

haihh tak habis habis. kata negara Islam. ada serambi Mekah lah. seramba lah apa lah.

kringg kringg

S: hey! i'm back in Malaysia now. i just arrived KLIA. i got cuti until August.

H: oh really? syok ah. banyak duit ah cuti ni. last stop haritu kat mana?

S: last stop haritu in Arab. its pretty bored lah wei. everybody pun pakai that purdah thing. i can't see anything u know. da lah on sea berbulan bulan, bila sampai on land, nak tengok girls pun tak dapat. sad wei. hehe.

H: haha. what do u expect? its Arab lah, negara Islam. bukan Malaysia.

S: eh, Malaysia is also negara Islam right?

H: .......ya lah. but Arab is a holy country for Muslim. u cant expect to see short skirts there. haha.

S: not so holy lah wei. they also have prostitute you know.

H: ...........

S: the prostitute also wear purdah. haha.

H: ...........

S: they even drink beer and stuff.

H: ...........

S: hey, i offended u is it?

H: ............................................................................................................................

Serambi Mekah ada pelacuran, Mekah pun ada pelacuran. (?) harharharharharhar.

#notakaki: ada lagi ke ringtone kringgkringg? tipu kan kau hanis.


littledolphin said...

well in my humble opinion,i think lots of people simply wear tudung/purdah/nampak mcm ada effort tutup aurat cos they bow to tekanan masyarakat yg suka mengutuk.so people with purdah can be prostitutes too isnt that surprising.cos some people wear tudung/purdah/nampak macam ada effort tutup aurat not bcos they want to but due to pressure of the society. ok.that's all :)

ewanthology said...

nama tempat tak mampu mempengaruhi sikap manusia apabila hawa nafsu bermaharajalela

NN said...

grrr ad ke kat mkah cmtue? pelik

RastaMat said...

donia oh donia

Kontrol Histeria said...

this is nothing new to me. i've run thru some news on the net back then about a guy who was caught for serial killing in UAE. all those victims were prostitute and their pix are all wearing purdah

i think wearing purdah for them is not really to portray their religiousness but more to culture

AzmanV2 said...

ada. aku pakai ringtone tu

ezza. said...

hmm, arab ni tengok tempat.
ada yang bahagian yang ramai non muslim. mcm yahudi ke.
yang pakai purdah tu mungkin sbb culture kot. bukan sebab drg nk tutup aurat.

maybe lahh. ahaaa

Hanis Manis said...

i totally agree bout the culture part. memang jadi culture je kat sana pakai purdah, bila datang Malaysia pakai skirt. seolah olah, tuhan hanya ada di Arab.

sheryl azurin said...

that's stephen who msg u is it? org kapal.

sheryl azurin said...

that's stephen who msg you is it? orang kapal. suruh dia blanje kita la anys. haha

Zie said...

kawan aku ada je lg phone guna ringtone kringgkringg~~ hehe~

Hanis Manis said...

@sheryl: haah betol. stephan. nnt kitorang nak meet up kot. mmg nak suruh belanja ah. kihkih.

mikhaelahmad said...

eyh, biasa lah tu. looking back through the page of history, the Arabs always known for their barbaric punya perangai, nature. so, takde lah pelik sangat.

even King Fahd - raja saudi yang banyak donate Quran kat seluruh dunia termasuk Malaya - bunuh bangsa diorang sendiri, di tanah dia sendiri, melanggan pelacur, losing 10million USD in one night sebab gambling etc etc. heh

how fucked up is that?

prostitution, just a small picture of Arab land. but still, aku tak kan cerca tanah arab. sebab, heh, obvious reason.

and pasal serambi mekah, bukan satu tempat je yang dapat gelaran tu. even sabak bernam once called serambi mekah, sebab banyak sekolah agama dan melahirkan tokoh ilmuwan. adakah penduduk kat sana alim-ulamak-tidak berdosa? well, i think u know better.

Ma'sum, is not a word for any Muslim nowadays, sweetheart.

#notakakimacamawak : most of the prostitutes maybe bukan orang arab. diorang biasa import hamba seks ni dari Bangladesh n India. try to read more.

#notakakimacamawak2 : funny when people can say much when they know nothing. it's like when i try to pretend cool and smart, quoting this in english. yeah, like that.funny.

mikhaelahmad said...

oh, sorry kalau bahasa aku agak tak cool dan trendy serta membangkitkan rasa marah.

Hanis Manis said...

aku tak sentuh mana2 isu lain sebab as you know, aku bukan jenis orang amik kisah sangat. orang arab ke, orang Malaysia ke, mampoih pi. just pointing out the oblivious satire.

i'm not cerca-ing tanah arab. its just a comparison. kau mesti boleh nampak tu, kau mesti.

sabak bernam? yah, i know better. jadi tak payah lah keep on guna phrase serambi mekah. bukan ke macam lagi memburukkan Mekah. kahkah. serambi seramba. eee meluat. Mekah je sudah lah, nak serambi ape bagai bila tanah kita ni tak layak pun. obviously.

bukan Ma'sum yang dicari tapi buang lah topeng2 yang ada. sok sok suci.

#notakaki: yang aku cakap dalam entri ni, its a true story. my friend just slept with a prostitute berbangsa Arab. true story dude, truth. aku just cakap balik conversation kitorang and biarkan readers menilai sendiri.

#notakakikaki: yah, u were right. i know nothing. kahkah.

Hanis Manis said...

trendy ah ni, cukup berilmu.

mikhaelahmad said...

memburukkan? kahkahkah. aku tak twist it. im not even making fun of it. dan bukan aku yang start trend serambi mekah.

just saying, satu benda tu dicompare sebab ada 1-2 persamaan.

macam gula-gula la dude. k-pop my arse-nal! they don't even sound korean, to me.

aku tak cakap kau mencari ma'sum, aku tahu. i'm just saying, we r all human. they have their shame, sin. stating half fact dalam tulisan won't bring any good.

niat, kadang-kadang boleh mengelirukan.

think of this, orang yang create page "KAMI TIDAK SUKA GULA-GULA PAKAI SPENDER MERAH", tapi tak mencerca - just create it - and people yang kutuk caci maki gula-gula.

the creator just want people to know that gula-gula is not good for wearinf red undies. bukan nak kutuk pun. tapi orang yang tak tahu apa-apa tengok satu dua gambar, terus kutuk gila babi. what good come of that? and which one is bad?

and sorry, tapi bila aku baca, it is, idk, pigeonhole?

Hanis Manis said...

so i'm the creator for people to maki Mekah now? woaahh. impressive theory.

i know nothing about arab, their politics, their leader, rasuah and whatsoever crap. kau macam tak kenal aku. yah you can say i'm just writing crap even i know nothing. sebab tu bila my fren call and told that little story, i stunned. sebab aku tak macam orang lain yang tau pasal benda benda ni.

and what i did is just tulis balik our conversation and injected my own comparison with what we have in Malaysia. especially the name. its up to the readers to define themselves. you can see the question marks up there.

pigeonhole eyh? yah. kihkih.