Tuesday, November 15, 2011

mari cakap pasal buku

kalau anda ada banyak masa untuk sebuah buku, sila baca buku ini.

i wont do any reviews as i hate to do so. i dont think my words well described this novel. i have so many to speak of the book until i found myself speechless. its about war, endless love, brotherhood, family, cruelty, harmony and memories. (read: tiada cintan cintun pasangan kekasih) initially, i thought it would be another boring story about war and plus its by Malaysian author. but no, i was wrong. this is one of the book that kept me awake at night and searching for it as soon as i wake up.

the story moves me and gift great affections in me, enough said.
good job, Tan Twan Eng.

"Accept that there are things in this world we can never explain
and life will be understandable. That is the irony of life.
It is also the beauty of it."

-The Gift of rain, Tan Twan Eng

#notakaki: rasa educated bila post pasal buku. ni first time kot. haha.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

cerita standard kedai mamak


#notakaki: ais kosong adalah air paling lambat nak dapat di kedai mamak. setuju?

#MemangTrue: Bila dokter kaunseling aku tentang anatomy badan selama satu jam.

Friday, November 4, 2011

bila lukis lembu,

perut berkeroncong bagai nak rak.

ish comel pulak rasa. teehee.

#notakaki: aku suka lembu kaler coklat. sexy.
#notakakikaki: tapi aku lagi suka kalau lembu kaler kuning. hoyeaaahh.

#ImpressiveAchievement: bebas nikotin selama seminggu, tahniah. selama seminggu jugak demam, tahniah.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

like seriously.

randomness at its best.

#notakaki: i drew all that within half an hour. i'm back people. :)

#ThingsYouWannaDoToday: sleep all day long.