no matter what humankind buat kat tanah;
dig it and make something heavy and ugly on it.
buang all smelly yucky shitty things on it.
cut off their partners and let it fall.
but still, it never hold grudge.
it still provide us with beautiful flowers to see,
a great tree to shade,
and delicious fruits to eat.
so a little bit advise here, take it or leave it; no matter what bullshits people do to us, all those fucking backstabbers, cheaters and sometimes lovers too, take it and give them back the best you can do. all good things will come back to you.
bahasa mudah dia; orang bagi tahi kat kita, kita bagi perfume lah.
so jadilah macam tanah.
#notakaki: i pass my jpj test. heleh, kacang je. *ha buatlah perangai belagak tu hanis*
#notakakikaki: jumaat, sabtu, ahad lepas pergi camp KRS di Sri Aman Girl School. syok, its like back to old time, old fun. yess, kawad is one of my thing excuse me.
#notakakikakikaki: today is my first day kerja part time kat McD. masuk kul 4 jap lagi. gigih betol kerja padahal September dah masuk UKM balik. how do i get the job? well, aku cakap aku dah grad. and they believe me. kihkih.